Welcome to Jenna Ratzlaff for Kansas

Frequently Asked Questions

What area does District 74 cover?

House District 74 Map.pdf

House District 74
Harvey County: Cities: Burrton, Halstead, Hesston, Newton(part),
North Newton and Walton
Townships: Alta, Burrton, Emma, Garden, Halstead, Highland,
Lakin, Macon(part), Newton(part), Sedgwick(part) and Walton
Marion County: Cities: Goessel, Hillsboro, Lehigh and Peabody
Townships: Catlin, East Branch, Lehigh, Liberty, Menno, Peabody,
Risley, West Branch and Wilson
McPherson County: Cities: Canton and Moundridge
Townships: Canton, Meridian, Mound, Spring Valley and Turkey

What inspired Jenna to run for public office?

"I’m running because there are needs in our communities that need to be met. I am not afraid to ask questions or advocate for changes in policies. As a social worker, it has been engraved in me to identify the needs in our communities. Working with the older population and being an advocate for my residents, I have seen the barriers that our elders face that hinder them from having their needs fully met. Affordable housing is another focus point; as I know several people who have not been able to find affordable housing options through rentals or buying. This is an increasing need in our communities! Lastly, food insecurity is a reality that many face. With the cost of living rising, people in our communities are having to choose between paying the bills, buying food, or purchasing other basic necessities. I personally know several people that live paycheck to paycheck; resulting in them having to make these hard choices. Having access to food is not a privilege, it is a basic human right.

Running for the KS House of Representatives is not about the two political parties going against each other. It’s about how can we all work together efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of those in our communities. I want to amplify the voices of those living in our communities and to advocate on their behalf however I can."

- Jenna Ratzlaff 

Where can I learn more information about Jenna's standpoints?

Included is a link to the Ballotpedia page for Jenna Ratzlaff. 


How can I get involved?

Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Knocking on doors, making phone calls, attending community events, etc are all great ways to get involved. Please fill out the inquiry section with information about how you would like to help or if you have questions. Thank you for your support!

A true community is not just about being geographically close to someone or part of the same social web network. It's about feeling connected and responsible for what happens. Humanity is our ultimate community, and everyone plays a crucial role.” – Yehuda Berg

Contact us

Reach out to Jenna Ratzlaff for Kansas if you'd like to know more information about donating, volunteering, or providing support to the campaign. Jenna wants to hear from you!


Jenna Ratzlaff for Kansas
North Newton, KS 67117


Community recognition 

Jenna is currently a finalist for the Harvey County 4 under 40 award. Young adults are nominated by community members for this award as a testament to their dedication in giving back to the Harvey County community.